Monday, February 28, 2011

Toilet Visiting Day !!! What a Day !!!

Counting down to going home time.... 1hr more............

Since morning till now, my stomach is not in a good state. Went to the ladies countless of times. Guess it was due to eating toooooooooooooo much yesterdae.... Sigh~

Hmmm... yesterdae within 5 hrs, I ate cheezy seafood baked rice, finger foods, a bowl of oyster mee sua, hot fudge ice cream sundae, etc etc .... My stomach really had to work extremely hard to digest the food... I just couldn't resist the temptation of eating nice nice food..... lol..

So now I have to suffer with this bloated tummy...

Really hope when I wake up tomorrow, the pain and bloatedness will disappear.......................  sob sob =(

Friday, February 25, 2011

Today I am being Confirmed! Yeah!

Today ( 25th Feb 2011 ) my boss confirmed me in my job! Got a pay increment too!!! Yeah! I am so happy!