Sunday, March 6, 2011

What an experience..... =/

Yesterday, 5th of Mar, my friend and I went in to JB at 6pm. I drove in all the way to Jusco. We had an enjoyable time. We had dinner, followed by movie ( The Rite ), then supper at Station 1 till 2 am.. On the way back home... One of the tyre got punctured... Lucky it happened in SG and not in JB... Immediately, I drove the car to the nearest shell petrol station hoping to get help from pple..Luckily there were some helpful pple who helped me changed the tyre which save me $35....Around 6 am the tyre was finally changed, we then drove to MAC to have breakfast. I treated my fren for helping me.. =) So by the time I reached home it was around 8.30 am liao..... Took a short nap..... and went out to get another tyre... At the shop, found it got punctured by a NAIL!!!! Anyways I then purchased a new tyre for $90  -.-!!!!... Later will be going into JB again... Hopefully I wont be that unlucky.... lolx.. =P