Saturday, July 30, 2011

Who R Ur True Friends When U R Down??

This quoted taken from somewhere really makes me think of the friends that I am having now.
Recently, I been diagnosed by my doctor that I have split personality due to some substance missing in my brain. This only occurs when there is any negativity around me. The doctor say it may take months to heal. I really hope I can get well faster.....
However, when some friends knew that I am suffering from this split personality, they decided to leave me. I don't blame them for leaving me or not being friends with me anymore... Coz I suppose no one wanna mix with pple who has split personality.
Anyway from this, it really makes me who my true and real friends are..... Those that has to be cherished and appreciated.

Monday, July 25, 2011

An Unlucky Happening!! =(

Today after tuition, I met my friend. We decided to go into JB. The traffic into JB was considered smooth not much of a traffic jam. On the way, we decided to eat @ New York Hotel as they had buffet dinner. It cost RM 20.00 per person which was approx S$8.00.

Upon reaching there, we went to a nearby Car Wash station so that i can get my car cleaned up.. I then left my car keys with the person in charged. We then went to have our buffet dinner... Just as everything was going well as planned..........

After having a hearty dinner, I went to collect the car keys.... And to my HORROR!!!!!! They told us they left my keys in another SG car!!!!! What sort of service was that!!! It was not only my car key, attached was my house key and my work ( petty cash ) key!!!!!! GOSH!!!! I sure am in Deep Shit!!!

In the end, the owner of the Car Wash Station paid for me my cab fare back to SG to get the spare key from my house and back to the JB Car Wash Station. The cab fare cost the owner S$80.. So troublesome sia.... After all and all now I am chilling out @ Station 1 in one of the cafes in JB writing this blog!!

To be continued..... Regarding how i gonna get my bunch of keys back~~~~

The next day, Mon, i had to apply urgent leave. Sigh~~ I went down the the police station to lodge a police report. Luckily, the police managed to contact the other SG car owner... So on Tue evening, I went down to collect the keys~~~ Kudos to the police for their efficiency. =DD

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Singtel : Race Against Cancer Run 2011

The 10km race starts @ 7.45 am.. I am now blogging from my phone.. hehe... :D The weather seems nice so far... There are many pple taking part..Everyone seems excited for the run...yeah...
To be continued......